Another burglary at telecom store Emmen

For the second time in less than five months, a telecom shop on the Hoofdstraat in Emmen has been broken into. Most of the laptops were stolen during the break-in.

Entrepreneur Lars van der Veen is disappointed. “I’ve been working on my case for a year now and this is already the second burglary. This makes you despondent. You’re still shocked.”

According to Van der Veen, camera images show that a window has been smashed to gain entry. “He smashed the window and then waited an hour. Only then did he go inside.” The burglar probably did this to see if the police would be on the scene soon.

Van der Veen continues: “The camera images then show that a tall person enters and takes laptops. There is a speaker in the store, from which the sound of the control room comes.” The entrepreneur suspects that the burglar was startled. “He ended up being inside for less than a minute.”

Emergency supply

An emergency facility is placed in the place of the broken window. According to Van der Veen, a new window will have to wait a while. “Last time I had to wait twelve weeks before new glass was put in.”

Last November, his telecom shop was broken into for the first time. Then about ten expensive iPhones were taken. No one was ever arrested for that burglary.
