Another basement fire in Staaken’s high-rise district

The series of fires in Staaken continues: Shortly after 4 a.m. on Tuesday night, a fire in the basement area woke the residents of a high-rise building on Blasewitzer Ring in Berlin-Staaken.

The fire brigade responded with around 50 firefighters and quickly had the fire under control. A mattress and junk caught fire. The cause of the fire is still unclear, the Berlin police are investigating.

It is the last case in the series of basement fires in Berlin-Staaken:

Most recently, a fire broke out in a residential building on Maulbeerallee in Staaken on Sunday night: several basement shacks burned.

also read

► Series of fires in Staaken continues – bulky waste set on fire in supply room

► Uncanny series of fires in Staaken cleared up? Arrest warrant against 16-year-olds!

In the past, there have always been arson attacks in the district, and the police managed to arrest several arsonists, mostly young people.


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