Another 80,000 euros Climate Active subsidy available for residents of Hoogeveen, De Wolden, Westerveld, Meppel and Central Drenthe

Of the 103,000 euros in subsidy with which residents of the municipalities of Hoogeveen, De Wolden, Westerveld, Meppel and Midden-Drenthe can make their surroundings greener, more than 80,000 euros are still available for this year.

This is reported by the Drents Overijsselse Delta Water Board (WDODelta).

For a number of years now, the water board has been making money available from the ‘Klimaat Actief!’ subsidy scheme to encourage residents, schools and companies to make their environment greener.

Ten air conditioners

Hans Wijnen, daily board member WDOdelta: ,,We see the weather conditions becoming more extreme before our eyes. It is becoming drier and hotter, also in the cities. At the same time, we see more frequent heavy rain. Together with municipalities and provinces, we look at bottlenecks and solutions where we can retain water for longer or have to drain it. Residents can also help with this by taking measures in their own environment. The more rainwater sinks into the ground, the less dry the garden is and the less the sewer is burdened. And the more greenery in the garden, the more cooling you get. Planting a large tree has the effect of 10 air conditioners. And it uses no electricity. A great win-win solution.”

‘More is possible’

As in previous years, the construction of green roofs on houses, sheds and carports remains the front runner. The water board receives this application the most. Both for homes and for school buildings. ‘But there is more possible’, writes the water board. ‘Think of placing infiltration crates in the garden, building a gravel path or water-permeable paving. The Drenthe applications so far this year came from the municipalities of Meppel, Hoogeveen and De Wolden.

it’s gone

Last year the subsidy for Drenthe was almost finished, but this year fewer applications are coming in. A pity, says Wijnen, because this money is intended to take great steps towards greening. “The message is therefore to submit applications for this year quickly!”
