Another 184 people from Afghanistan brought to the Netherlands after Pakistan aid | NOW

The Netherlands has taken another 184 people from Afghanistan with a special charter flight. The plane departed from neighboring Pakistan and arrived at Eindhoven Airport on Friday.

It is the fourth time that the Netherlands, with the help of Pakistan, arranged a plane to bring people here from Afghanistan. The people on board were unable to leave Afghanistan earlier because they did not have valid travel documents. Pakistan has made an exception for them.

Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan last year, the Netherlands has brought people here several times. Last month 181 people arrived. In total, about two thousand people were brought to the Netherlands from Afghanistan, several hundred thanks to help from Pakistan. In September, the cabinet acknowledged that it had made mistakes with regard to the evacuation of people to the Netherlands.

Afghanistan has been in an economic crisis since the Taliban came to power. There is famine and people are short of basic necessities such as medical aid. Aid organizations are struggling to do their work in the country.
