Anonymous’s claim: Hacked into Russian TV channels

The hacker collective Anonymous says it has attacked Russian television channels.

A group of anonymous hackers told Anonymous on Sunday With an Anounymous Twitter account several cyber attacks on Russian TV channels and streaming services.

According to Anonymous, the channels have been broken to reproduce the real war picture of Ukraine and tell the situation. One video shows, for example, how a missile strikes strongly in front of a building in Kharkov.

In support of its claims, Anonymous has uploaded photos and videos to Twitter featuring hacked TV channels showing content downloaded by Anonymous.

Anonymous claims to have received a flooded picture of Wink and Ivi services, which resemble Netflix. In addition, according to the team, the picture has been reproduced on Russia 24, Channel One and Moscow 24 TV channels.

In an update, Anonymous said it had hacked “all state-owned TV channels”.

Later, Anonymous announced that it had received more Russian TV channels. These also included the French-language channel of Russian Today, or RT.

Russia has restricted the access of its citizens to foreign media and Finnish services. Anonymous has clearly taken on the task of spreading to the Russians a picture of what is really going on in Russia.

The matter was corrected on 7.3. at 12.06: The city shown in the video is Kharkov, not Kiev, as told earlier.
