Annual investments in animal shelters up by 300,000 euros

Annual investments in animal shelters up by 300,000 euros

Of the 185 recognized animal shelters in Flanders, our province counts 39 shelters. The shelters mainly run on volunteers and their own fundraising.

Since 2021, Minister Weyts has introduced a structural plan with financial support for the animal shelters. “We provide more resources, more professionalization and a much better overview of the animals waiting in shelters for a new home,” says Weyts.

Reward for adoption

In concrete terms, the shelters will already receive an extra fee from this year, which depends on the number of animals they had adopted in the previous year. Shelters that focus on adoption now receive an annual reward of 150,000 euros. This is in addition to the current budget of 678,000 euros.

The Government of Flanders will also be responsible for all costs associated with legally required identification, registration, sterilization and vaccination. The costs for the legal preparation of a pet passport and a veterinary report are also reimbursed. The budget for this is 150,000 euros.

Other support

In addition to financial support, all asylum workers can follow professional training free of charge. All shelters will also have access to a digital accounting system and a central website where they can put their animals up for adoption.

The Flemish Government will also invest in campaigns to promote the adoption of an animal.
