Announced new besmettingen and ziekenhuisopnames still apply: it is about most recent coronations


Tussen 1 and 7 maart are dagelijks gemiddeld 6.930 nieuwe besmettingen vastgesteld. That’s 15 percent more than that in the next few days.

Wanne we de dagcijfers bekijken, zien we dat nu al op vijf dagen afgelopen week het aantal nieuwe besmettingen hoger lag dan de corresponderende dag in de previous week. Het middeld aantal nieuwe besmettingen ligt dan also hoger dan the previous period.

Opgelet: in Werkelijkheid ligt het aantal nieuwe besmettingen naar shatting wel three tot vijf keer dan de vastgestelde aantallen.


The total number of tests is 11 percent, totaling 32,940 in the period from 1 to 7 March. Over the hele pandemic will inmiddels 32,069,513 test uitgevoerd.

positivity ratio

The positivity ratio was tussen 1 and 7 maart op 22.4 percent. That is a starting point with 3.3 percent of the opportunity of the week.

The reproductive count is 1.02. That is a starting point with 19 percent. There was a risk of 1 being known that the epidemic arose in the winter.


He landed more corona patients in the Ziekenhuizen. Tussen 4 and 10 March went het om gemiddeld 143.3 opnames, een starting with eight percent of the day over the previous week.

He had 1,970 menses (-7 percent) with corona in the Ziekenhuis, but he had 185 intense concerns (-19 percent). Het is al van 27 augustus last year that he still had a few corona patients in intensive care.


Elke dag overlijden averaged nog 16.7 mensen aan de following van a coronabesmetting, a daling with 25 percent in vergelijking with the previous period. Are the start of the pandemic in our country al 30,380 people affected by the virus.


9.222.829 Belgians receive at least one first dose of the corona vaccine. 9,094,790 people received a full vaccination, of 79 percent of the full population. 7.053.111 Belgen received al a boosterprik from the corona vaccine. That comes over 61 percent of the population.

In Flanders there were 5,666,088 people living in the first place, of 85.1 percent of the population. 5,596,149 Vlamingen zijn fully vaccinated, of 84.1 percent. In Flanders there were 4,642,821 mensen een derde prik. That is 69.7 percent of the Vlaamse population.
