Anniko van Santen in the same boat as Linda de Mol: ‘Two options’

What a nightmare for Anniko van Santen: not only in Opsporing Verzocht, but also at home on the couch, she now has a guy with a black bar in front of his eyes. “There are two options.”


Remco van Leen, one of the bosses at the NPO, has been suspended due to all kinds of alleged dirty misconduct. Dirty with a capital ‘V’, because what that guy has been up to is not normal, according to Yvonne Coldeweijer. She states that the NRC is working on a major, revealing article about his behavior and the newspaper does not deny that.

Perpetrator as a man

As presenter of Opsporing Verzocht, his wife Anniko van Santen is used to a bit of misbehavior, but: “What must it be like for her to realize that her own husband belongs to the category of perpetrators?” asks the weekly. Privately wonders. “How painful and upsetting must it be when the love of your life betrays you like this?”

The magazine continues: “The fact that he apparently could not keep his hands off other women, that he had countless adventures, must have come as a blow to Anniko. It must be unpalatable for her that the man she was so in love with betrayed and deceived her so much. Perhaps small consolation is that she is certainly not the only one.”

Just like Linda

Privé points out that Anniko is more or less in the same boat as the troubled Linda de Mol, who also discovered in an unpleasant way that her boyfriend is a greaser.

The show magazine: “If the charges turn out to be true, he can only hope that his wife is as forgiving as Linda de Mol. That won’t be easy for her at all.”

Two options

Now that the investigation into Remco’s possible misconduct is in full swing, Anniko is in custody Weekend in a difficult position. The magazine speaks of a ‘devilish dilemma’: believe in fairy tales or accept that the bad wolf is on the couch at home.

According to an ‘insider’, there are two options in Anniko’s case. “Either she doubts his loyalty, or she thinks it’s all a slander from jealous colleagues, which she doesn’t believe. That is a reflex that can occur in these types of situations. In that case, she will continue to fully support him no matter what, perhaps against her better judgment.”
