Anniina Valtonen is related to a criminal

Anniina Valtonen says in the Yle article that her grandmother’s grandfather’s father is Antti of Isotalon.

Anniina Valtonen is expecting her first child. Pete Anikari

Meteorologist and presenter Anniina Valtonen wrote To Yle article about inherited genes and family roots. Valtonen recently went on parental leave and his first child will be born soon.

Valtonen reveals in the article that he is related in the sixth generation For Ant of Isotalo.

Antti of Isotalon was the leader of the Härmäläinen criminal groups and a “legendary bandit leader”. In the 1850s, he was charged with murder and initially sentenced to death. In the end, the sentence was changed to 12 years of forced labor.

According to Valtonen, Antti has been called a restless but charismatic leader. Valtoten’s family has the same northwestern characteristics as Anti’s. The members of the Valtosten family are talkative, natural performers, but also stubborn.

– Can these features of the family come from Isoo-Anti? Valtonen reflects on Yle.

There are also external similarities.

– The men in my family are big, as was Anttik. Many have the same appearance, especially in the area of ​​the nose and mouth. In many pictures of my grandmother and her father, you can see the same features that were in Isoo-Anti, Valtonen describes in the article.

The relatives themselves have admitted the resemblance.

According to the geneticist, there are only 1.6 percent Isotalon Ants in Valtose.

Source: Over
