Annerveenschekanaal collects signatures for mining damage compensation

A group of residents of Annerveenschekanaal collected signatures in the village today. They are angry with the Institute for Mining Damage Groningen (IMG) and State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief (D66) of Mining. Annerveenschekanaal is the only village in the area that falls outside the depreciation scheme for homeowners in the earthquake zone.

“It is incomprehensible,” says André Hagendijk, chairman of Dorpsbelangen Annerveenschekanaal. With a stack of posters and an autograph form under his arm, he walks past the doors. “The scheme has been granted to all the villages around us, and not here. We asked those responsible. They cannot properly explain why Annerveenschekanaal is not included,” he remarks dissatisfied.

RTV Drenthe walked with André Hagendijk today:
