Anne Frank Center has to cut back on anti-Semitism education

A colorful, artistic backyard in the Hackesche Höfe in Berlin-Mitte, on the right a painting by Anne Frank, on the left an entrance door

The Anne Frank Center in the Hackesche Höfe in Berlin-Mitte fears for the financing of two projects Photo: Ralf Günther

By Isabel Pancake

Since the Hamas attack on Israel, hatred of Jews has been simmering on the streets of Berlin and Germany. And now, of all times, the federal government is cutting funding for political education! Also affected: the Anne Frank Center in Berlin-Mitte.

“Especially now, when the anti-Semitism problem is obviously so big, the cuts and cancellation of funds are difficult for all of us to understand,” says director Veronika Nahm (44) to BZ According to the traffic light coalition’s new budget draft, both Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and the Ministry of Justice can be saved. A third of the Anne Frank Center’s budget would be lost and up to ten positions would be affected.

A woman looks serious and stands in an exhibition, in the background there are boards with text and black and white photos

Veronika Nahm (44), director of the Anne Frank Center Photo: Ralf Günther

This means that Anne Frank Day, a school day of action against anti-Semitism, and educational work against anti-Semitism in correctional facilities could no longer take place next year. There is currently particularly great interest in educational work. Since the beginning of the war, more than 130 anti-Semitic crimes have been committed in Berlin.

Nahm: “Previously, other forms of discrimination were sometimes perceived as more pressing. Now anti-Semitism is perceived as particularly violent and threatening.” Last year alone, 650 schools took part in Anne Frank Day – 39 from Berlin.

The so-called adjustment session in the Bundestag will take place from Thursday to Friday. The last chance for the two projects of the Anne Frank Center.


Anti-Semitism Education The Diary of Anne Frank Jews Jew Hatred Judaism
