TOnnalisa (surname at birth, Scarrone) is one of the most loved Italian voices: it’s waiting competing among the big names at Sanremo 2024 and has already announced the dates of his next Italian tour in 2024.”Everyone in the Palasport vortex” will touch Florence (6 April), Milan (10 and 29 April), Bari (12 April), Naples (13 April), Padua (19 April) and Rome (21 April). In the single hit of the last few weeks, “Bellissima” sings “I was waiting for you in Saint Laurent…”, a brand that also designs her make-up. An instrument, she tells us, with a story, between stage and reality.
A beauty day with Annalisa
His album And then we ended up in the vortexreleased at the end of September, is officially gold record: Annalisa is the only female artist at the top of the Fimi/Gfk rankings for more than a year. And the last concert in Milan was completely sold out, on November 4th. «I ended up in the vortex too, I am very happy with the success, even if it takes discipline not to get lost. I live at a pace that makes it difficult to follow a routine, so taking care of myself takes on even more value, he tells us.
«I do it with small gestures, from moments of meditation to makeup, which I have discovered to be a very powerful tool. My ideal morning? In bed, reading! Very rare. In fact, I have learned to rely on corrector, which works miracles.”
10 am: Annalisa, a 2024 between Sanremo and Tour
«My days now are all focused on preparation of Sanremo for February, and, at the same time, of the Tour which will begin in April 2024: there is a lot of work. Also the makeup and costumes I’m a show within a show, the image on stage is pure communication, before aesthetics.”
The single Beautiful (four times platinum, ed.) is un ode to self confidence. He says: “That time you shouldn’t have left, I was beautiful, beautiful!“: well, I’ve learned that seeing yourself well depends not so much on who looks at you, but rather from the love you can give yourself even if no one sees you”.
“I? Some days I give myself a quick look, I am very self-critical. Others, I delay, treat myself to a nice lipstick. Anyway singing about being beautiful is good: let’s say it more often!».
9pm, a “Violent Indigo” make-up
“Your gaze strikes me” says the lyrics of another song, as well as the album title, Violent indigo, just the color of the evening make-up look created with YSL Beauté mascara Lash Clash Blue.
«It is a very particular nuance, strong and deep. It reminds me of the sea, which it can be calming and energizing at the same time. I believe in karma, in energies, this blue makes me dream, communicates possibilities… I must say that in recent years I have been lucky dI can make many wishes come true. One of the largest is that of knowing that I am in balance, even tomorrow.…”
“In my love I sing: “Both you and I like her.” I find that a pleasant woman always has a subtle balance of character, charisma and aesthetics. Nice I mean it as thrilling. The best compliment.”