Annabel Nanninga not welcome in Today Inside: ‘She keeps calling’

Annabel Nanninga is unable to appear at the table or on the stool of Today Inside. Even her coffee with star of the show Johan Derksen doesn’t change that, says Wilfred Genee.

© SBS 6

Johan Derksen sees three options to vote for in the upcoming elections: VVD, BBB and JA21. The VVD opposes him because he feels abandoned by the party and he has doubts about JA21 because of the prominent figures in the party. Many of them were previously active for Forum for Democracy, of which Johan was a sympathizer in the beginning.

Annabel not in VI

As an influential influencer in the conservative community, a statement of support from Johan is important to these parties. Annabel Nanninga, prominent from JA21, even drove to Hilversum to drink coffee with Johan. She managed to change his mind, because now the football connoisseur suddenly finds her a ‘great woman’.

Yet it seems that, after the fiasco of Johan’s involvement in the FvD campaign, Today Inside is cautious about supporting JA21, because Annabel does not manage to make it to the broadcast.

Twenty bells

Wilfred Genee, host of the show, tells in a online section that Annabel really wants that. “Annabel Nanninga really came by here to tell me how great Johan was. She stopped by here to have coffee with Johan and tell me how fantastic he is.”

He continues: “Actually, it was just an open application to be allowed on the air here, but that didn’t work out. They’ve already called twenty times. Johan says that it is a very neat, well-arranged right-wing program. Is that right?”

“What’s right?”

Reporter Merel Ek gives the answer. “It just depends on what you find just on the right, but they are very hard at shelters, for example. Actually, whatever the VVD is trying to do, but the VVD has not been able to show it to its supporters. Then asylum is the perfect subject for which you turn to JA21.”

How is it possible that JA21 only has three seats in the polls for the Provincial Council elections? “They are not really coming out in the campaign yet. You don’t really see them at talk show tables yet. You don’t really hear them yet. That’s the tricky part. The VVD jumped right in with the campaign.”
