Anna Tatangelo publishes photos with her boyfriend on social media

AND calm has returned to love life Anna Tatangelo. Sora’s singer has found her love again and now she wants to share her joy with her followers. After the indiscretion about flirting with the model Mattia Narducci, ten years younger than her, now up Instagram the first couple selfies appear.

Anna Tatangelo and love with Mattia Narducci

Rumors about an alleged new flirt have been circulating for some time. Anna Tatangelo had been paparazzi hand in hand with the young model who, apparently, really conquered her. So far, however, no official confirmation. Probably, the singer wanted to enjoy the first phase of the relationship in private, away from the spotlight and gossip. Now, however, the two have decided to come out with the first social images of the couple.

The first couple selfies

The singer with her new boyfriend Mattia Narducci (Instagram Stories @mattia_narducci @annatatangeloofficial)

Side by side between smiles and tongues: here are the first images shared between the Instagram Stories of both her and him. Images that perfectly tell their complicit bond despite the age difference. And that reveals a certainty: Anna Tatangelo is finally happy again. And he no longer intends to hide: he wants to live his new love story in the light of the sun, sharing his newfound sentimental happiness on social media.

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From Gigi D’Alessio to Livio Cori

After all, his latest love story did not go well. Last year, in fact, the singer he frequented the rapper Livio Cori. Also in that case he confirmed the liaison with a couple post, immediately deleted after the end of the love story, almost as if he did not want to leave any trace of that flirtation. Before him, however, the star of Italian music he lived a very long love story with Gigi D’Alessio: a love born in 2006, finished for the first time in 2017 and then definitively in 2020. For years, they have been one of the most talked about and discussed couples on the music scene. But also one of the most close-knit and romantic: a son was born from their love, Andrea. We thought that he was the only man in his life, however, now at his side there is also Mattia Narducci.

