Anna Safroncik at Le Iene: the appeal to the Pope to intercede with Putin

H.touched the experience of war very closely, Anna Safroncik41 years old: his father JevhenijUkrainian, he has just reached her in Italy, fleeing her country in war, battered by Russian bombing. Now the man is safe, but a few days before his father’s escape, the actress had told on Instagram all his concern.

Anna Safroncik, the story of the war in Le Iene

Ukrainian actress – she was born in Kiev – has returned to talk about the warcarrying out the mission of keep attention on the events of your country. Guest of the program HyenasAnna Safroncik invoked everyone’s help, but first of all Pope francescofor stop the atrocities of war.

anna safroncik

Anna and her dad, finally safe in Italy. (Instagram)

Very elegant in total black, but with yellow and blue shoes in homage to the Ukrainian flagwith touching words, the actress expressed all of her own fears and his hopes. And she began by telling about the city that saw her birth. “Kiev is my city. On the facade of the house where I grew up there were two words: peace and freedomHe began.

anna safroncik

Anna wears yellow and blue shoes, in homage to the Ukrainian flag. (Instagram)

Anna Safroncik: “We Ukrainians are not neo-Nazis”

“My people today no longer know what the first is, and they are about to lose the second as well,” he said, specifying that the Ukrainians «are not neo-Nazis. We lived through hunger, the dumb, we believed in a free world, but someone has reversed the course of history“.

Kiev today «is there capital of the free world and must be defended as a symbol of all that democracy has achieved. Sanctions, diplomacy, the supply of weapons are not enough to the resistance that moves on the dangerous crest of a possible nuclear war ».

According to the actress, one cannot even hope for a peace «that hand over the Ukrainian people to slavery unwanted, not sought. That destiny of escape, of death, tomorrow it could be someone else’seven to you ».

He asked for the Pope’s intercession

He then quoted Carlo Verdellinew editor of the weekly Today and «a great journalist, ha asked all European heads of state to meet symbolically in Kiev to stop this sinking. I’m no one to ask, but I would like them to heed this plea and that with them was Pope Franciswhich for us ex-Soviets is a witness of peace and hope ».

For Anna Safroncik, the Pontiff «with his only presence in Kiev it can convince Putin to stop the bombs, and open a real dialogue. Papa my city, which in recent months was tinged with white and pink due to flowering is now torn apart by explosions, it is there waiting for you“. He who knows if Bergoglio will listen – and put into practice – the desperate appeal of the actress.

