Anna Puu’s wild claim in Vain lääää program: The hit song predicted the future

Anna Puu claims in Vain lääää program that there was something supernatural in the lyrics of her and Olavi Uusivirta’s song. Beware of plot revelations.

In the Only Life program, Anna Puu hears a special story about one of her songs. Petri Aho

In the future Only life – episode celebrates a day of surprises, when each artist gets to hear one more version of their own production. During the episode it is revealed that Virve Rosti has chosen as his song Anna Puun and Olavi Uusivirtan sing together 2020.

Puu claims in the episode that the song in question has had supernatural effects until 2020. The song’s lyrics refer to the world closing in and the lights going out. Puu feels that the lyrics in question could have predicted the arrival of the corona pandemic.

– That song even became eerily prophetic. Not long after the song was released, news from China started to come out and soon everything went haywire, he says in the episode.

Puu claims that the song predicted more than a pandemic. According to the artist, they originally named their song demon Capsule boy without any particular reason. According to Puu, the name took on a new meaning when she experienced something surprising when she was pregnant during the pandemic.

– At the first ultrasound, we were told: “It looks like you’re having a girl.” I had dreams about a boy child. Later we found out from the blood tests that there is an XY chromosome here, meaning a little boy is coming, the singer recalls with tears in her eyes.

– I called Olav on the same day and said: “You’d never guess, we’re pretty oracles.” First, a small corona-like apocalypse was predicted, and on top of that, the capsule boy is the guy I’m waiting for,” he laughs at the end.

Only life on Fridays at Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Anna Puu claims that the lyrics of her and Olavi Uusivirta’s hit song came true. Petri Aho
