Anna Pettinelli talks about the break with Stefano Macchi

“Land romances end.’ Anna Pettinelli he doesn’t mince words to tell the break with Stefano Macchi. Program host very truethe radio host and former teacher of the school of Friends by Maria De Filippi, is told without filters. Starting with her love life.

Anna Pettinelli and love with Stefano Macchi

The radio speaker and Stefano Macchi have been a steady couple for eight years. Together they participated in the TV show Temptation Island. Then the farewell and the new way of him, who has found love again with the curvy model Elisa D’Ospina, from whom he is expecting a child. «I hope you are happy and have a peaceful life» says Pettinelli to the presenter Silvia Toffanin.

Love stories end

After the relationship with Stefano Macchi, Anna Pettinelli has reached a new awareness. «Love stories end mine are all gone. You find yourself growing one way, dating someone, then you turn around and see that you’re no longer alignedis no longer the person you thought he was,” explains the speaker. What remains of this story? «A little bit. I am disappointed, I was deeply disappointed,” she points out. “I expected a different reaction, I expected things to go differently but it didn’t happen that way”. And she specifies that the problem was not about the age difference between the two but about “seeing life differently”.

I was no longer in love

Precisely this awareness led to a separation without rancor: «We broke up well, there wasn’t a tear, no betrayal. The decision was made because it was no longer possible to live together. Besides, I was no longer in love» he points out. In the path that led to the separation, Anna Pettinelli explains that it was precisely the program Temptation Island to play a decisive role: «He brought to light sides that I didn’t know about him and that I didn’t appreciate. From there, little by little, the relationship deteriorated and it was gone.”

Marriage and Divorce

Always very private, nothing is known about Anna Pettinelli’s love life. Now it is she who reveals some secrets from her past. «I got married when I was 26 years old. Married in two months and separated in six. We went together to the same lawyer saying we had made a mistake and asking how we could fix it,” he revealed. Pointing out that he does not believe in «forever»: «People don’t get married for forever, but because they believe in the romantic dream».

Today I’m seeing someone

Yet, despite the recent end of the love story with Stefano Macchi, Anna Pettinelli has decided to give love a chance again. «Are you alone?Silvia Toffanin asks her. «Not exactly» she replies. «I’m dating someone. It’s too early to talk about an engagement but I’m seeing someone» he reveals. While not hiding the “fear of finding myself in situations that can make me suffer”. Hence the choice to live this new story appropriately: “Calm and feet of lead” are the ingredients with which he is preparing to face “the year of great change”. In which only one thing has never changed: the love for her daughter Carolina, the center of her life, who has always saved her.

