Anna Oxa and soul singers on stage in Sanremo

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

dn the last monumental edition of Sanremo, overwhelmed by political controversies, fortunately the songs remain in the air. But personally I couldn’t get the interview given by Anna Oxa to Giovanna Civitillo out of my mindsent de Live life in Sanremo and, incidentally, wife of Amadeus. Interview dodged a first time by the artistamong the inevitable controversies, then granted exclusively.

Civitillo’s first question on what kind of emotion Oxa was feeling returning to Ariston after twelve years gets the answer: «It’s a question I can’t answer. I live things more soulfully and less head-on».

soulfully? Never heard. What will it mean? Let’s googling. The search returns a page of the Accademia della Crusca of at least a hundred lines, edited by the linguist Manuela Manfredini. She begins like this: «There are words that knock several times on the door of the lexicon of a language: sometimes they enter but stay in the anteroom for a long time, other times they receive no answer (…). One of these “unfortunate” is the adjective animico, derived from the noun anima with the suffix -ico, which indicates belonging, relationship».

Absent from Italian dictionaries of contemporary use, “animico” is found in the Great Dictionary of the Italian Language edited by Edoardo Sanguineti, «poet and writer with an extraordinary lexicographic vocation». And this alone could give an idea of ​​what Oxa has been doing in the last twelve years. Maybe read. And reflect on the soul.

On that thought which, I read from Crusca, Steiner’s philosophy associates with “animic”, according to which “the spiritual man changes and, in changing, transforms the course of external events”. Oxa’s song, Saltsechoes these reflections. However, they fell disastrously on a stage where the show was completely different.

Anna Oxa: the interview with “Belve” is a show.  The quarrel with Madame?  We sued

Was Oxa wrong to present himself in that context? Maybe not, if it is true that Battiato has been to Sanremo several times. And in 2011 he sang: «I live in the role of an alien who doesn’t fly / who doesn’t look like me / But I live on the edge of a real life / and I don’t recognize myself». Precisely. Come on Anna, try again.

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