Anna Nooshin actually doesn’t want to go to Khalid & Sophie, is there anyway

Anna Nooshin actually did not want to sit at the talk show table of Khalid & Sophie yesterday, but was there anyway. “That’s what I said to you too: ‘I’d rather not be there.’”


Khalid & Sophie had an item yesterday about the protests in Iran, where people stand up against the oppression by the Islamic regime. The protests started after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by the morality police in mid-September because her headscarf did not fit properly. The police allegedly beat her hard.

Doubting Anna

It disturbs the Iranian-born influencer Anna Nooshin immensely that the attention for this only started late in the Netherlands and that is why she did not want to sit down in Khalid & Sophie yesterday.

Host Khalid Kasem: “Anna, when I spoke to you… This anger at the lack of attention to this very important issue, you said to me: ‘Yes, Khalid, I think there has been a lack of that, also at these kinds of tables .’”

‘I didn’t want to come’

Anna then talks more about her consideration of whether or not to join the talk show than about the protests. “Yes, precisely at these kinds of tables and that’s why I actually wanted… That’s what I said to you: ‘I actually prefer not to sit there’, because I think: it has taken so long before anything of attention has been given…”

She continues: “It has passed very quickly here and there, but – with all due respect, and I said that to you – not with the attention that has been given to other topics. It is not a contest of who does and who does not, but (…) it deserved to be mentioned earlier, also in the mass media.”

‘Know too little about it’

Khalid: “It is therefore more than necessary that we talk about it today.”

The only substantive question about the protests – what more needs to be done to change the regime – Anna cannot answer. “I really don’t know enough about politics to give an answer to that right now, but I do know that what I hope is that the media that jumps on it now will just keep going.”

Angry at Anna

What Anna accuses the mass media, Iranian women accuse Anna. They believe that the influencer pays too little attention to the protests in her native country. “I get a lot of angry, literally almost desperate cries of: ‘Why don’t you say more? Help us, be our voice.’”

Incidentally, Anna did not choose to cut off a piece of her hair, which has become the symbol of the protest. That happened later in the evening in the talk show Op1.


At Op1, three well-known women cut a lock:

The complaining Anna:
