Anna-Leena Sipilä to Anna magazine about her divorce – the union lasted 18 years

Anna-Leena Sipilä and Johannes Lahtela’s long marriage ended last summer.

Anna-Leena Sipilä’s marriage ended unexpectedly last summer. Kaisa Vehkalahti

A couple of actors Anna-Leena Sipilä and Johannes Lahtela said last summer that their marriage had ended in divorce. The ex-couple was married for 18 years.

Now Sipilä tells Anna magazine that the breakup came as a surprise to her.

– The separation came as a shock to me. At the beginning, the mind was so confused that the body was also in a spasm-like cramp, he recalls his feelings for Anna from last summer.

Sipilä is still going through the separation process, although the feeling of being bored has gradually eased.

– Feelings may still go from sadness to joy to despair during the day. Fortunately, optimism is also a force that has been strong in me. I’ve tried to nurture it, but I haven’t shied away from difficult feelings, he says to Anna magazine.

Big decision

With the divorce, Lahtela gave up his priesthood. Lahtela has been ordained as a priest of the Orthodox Church. After his priestly ordination, a priest is not allowed to marry in the Orthodox Church.

– Divorce is inevitably a crisis for this sacred ministry. I am not fit to continue as a priest, Lahtela wrote in his Facebook update last summer.

In cases of divorce, the bishops’ conference considers, depending on each situation, whether the priest can continue in his office. According to the Orthodox Church of Helsinki, Lahtela gave up his priestly position of his own free will.

Sipilä has had a long career in various theaters. In recent years, he has been seen in the films Juice, Oma maa and Onnelin and Annelin talvi and in the television series Maria Kallio, Hotel Swan Helsinki and Keihäsmatkat.

Lahtela has made a career as an actor and writer. This month, the biography of the rapper Redrama Redrama – from flames to creativity (Otava 2022) was published in Lahtela.

Source: Give it
