Anja and Robert from Groningen make the best toys, Lars from Wildervank takes the judo title and Van Gogh returns to Groningen. This is the good news this week

Good news is not news, they say. Well, we think so! Read here the weekly overview of the sweetest, nicest, most hopeful and funniest news from Groningen and Drenthe. With matching songs and links to even more good news.

Arjan and Robert from Groningen make the toy of the year

A week ago we presented almost exclusively winners in this section. The good news had not yet appeared when Arjan van Houwelingen and Robert Brouwer from Groningen also presented themselves with a prize. They received the jury prize in the children’s games category for their game at the Toy of the Year election Gang on the Farm. The two prize winners are also in the running for the audience award. An election like that is just a fun game.

Martin and Flora from Bovensmilde and Peter from Emmen are heavily sponsored by this lottery

And while we are dealing with winners. Another afterburner from the Postcode Lottery Winners category. As we noted here earlier, it is currently happening every week. Martin and Flora from Bovensmilde received a visit from Winston Gerschtanowitz from the Postcode Lottery Miljoenenjacht. He wrote them a check for 82,000 euros. Too bad for Flora, she missed Winston because of work. And as if it couldn’t happen, Peter from Emmen wins 50,000 euros a year in the same lottery for ten years. Peter’s partner also had to miss Winston. She lives in Spain. Also beautiful.

Is Lars from Wildervank the dream successor to Anton Geesink?

In sports we can also note a winner again. Anton Geesink’s successor may come from Wildervank. Lars van Oostrum (20) from that place won gold at the European Championship for juniors (under 21). However, he did not have time to celebrate the title exuberantly. A day later another three-nation competition awaited. The world championships will follow in Portugal in October. Van Oostrum also hopes to reach the podium there.

The Groninger Museum has finally returned stolen Van Gogh

The drama couldn’t have been greater. The Groninger Museum borrowed the painting in 2020 Spring garden by Vincent van Gogh to the Singer Museum in Laren and there it was stolen. The thief was quickly caught but the cloth was gone. Foetsie. Never seen again? No. Thanks to art detective Arthur Brand, the canvas was tracked down and was recently handed over to Andreas Blühm of the Groninger Museum. A drama with a happy ending. If only the life of the now world-famous artist himself had ended so beautifully.

Tennis talent Annelin from Haren can safely serve for the top

Tennis talent Annelin Bakker from Haren lived for a while between hope and fear. In recent months she has been plagued by stress twice. The foot had to be put in a plaster cast and a vertebra subsequently turned out to be torn. It was then thought that her body might be too weak for the heavy top sports load. Well, a so-called DEXA scan showed that there is nothing wrong with Bakker’s body. Relief everywhere, let’s serve again!

The threatened bridges in Pekela are still being saved

Anyone who feels a bit Veencolonial or lives in the Pekelas has been concerned for some time about the preservation of the iconic bridges over the Pekelder Hoofddiep. For a long time, the municipal council indicated that it had no money for maintenance of the river crossings. Now that a cooperative has been established that will deal with the maintenance of the bridges, the municipality is also coming across the bridge. The municipal council has managed to release no less than 13,000 euros from the budget for the people who will work together to preserve the river connections and the face of the Pekelas. It’s not much yet, but it’s a start.

What’s your good news? Do you see a tweet or an Insta post with fun or remarkable news? Let us know via [email protected] stating good news and – with a bit of luck – you will read it again in this section not much later.

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