Anja and Peter hope to finally close ‘their’ robbery with a reward

Anja and Peter van der Horst were violently robbed four years ago in their villa in Rosmalen. The couple broke up for a year, the frustration and emotion are still palpable. To finally be able to put an end to the bad period, Anja and Peter offer 15,000 euros for the golden tip that leads to the perpetrators.

It is March 2018 when three masked men invade the villa. The robbers use pepper spray and stay inside for an hour and a half. They hold the couple at gunpoint and search for valuables. When the two daughters of the family returned home, they even threatened to rape the girls.

“Love creeps where it can’t go.”

If it is still this quiet, then the couple is slowly at their wits’ end. After all these years, the couple hopes to finally be able to bring the case to a conclusion. “If they get caught, we can close it too.” Meanwhile, Anja and Peter are doing a bit better and they are back together. “Love creeps where it can’t go,” says Peter with a laugh.

“We are now also in Spain most of the time because we feel safe and at ease here. We no longer live in the house where it all happened then.”

It was because of the Opsporing Verzocht program that the couple thought about making the reward available. “A lot of things came up for that that had been open for a while, then I thought about what happened to us,” says Peter. “A year after the robbery, I did receive a tip from someone who thought he knew who the clients were.” Peter passed this tip on to the police, but nothing came of it.

“They need to be caught so that others don’t become the victims too.”

The fact that Anja and Peter want to see the perpetrators in court is not only self-interest. “They have to be caught so that others don’t become victims too,” explains Peter. “They will probably have done it before or do it more often. As long as they don’t get caught, it’s very easy for them.”


Reward never yielded a golden tip in the past 10 years

This is why Anja is offering 15,000 euros tip money 4 years after brutal robbery
