Animals in circuses, is it (always) violence? Who enjoys it, and who doesn’t

THEn captivity, they play with balls and jump through fiery hoops, talk back, run, act on command. They demonstrate incredible abilities, which are not of their kind. Animals in circuses are a tradition. A cruel tradition, according to animal rights activists. But also according to many people who also would like to go to the crco. Laws and courts, in Italy and in Europe, begin to take into account the changed climate and the new orientations of public opinion. And yet, meanwhile, elephants and tigers continue to appear.

In France, condemnation for the tamer of tigers

Ten felines confiscated and he, the tiger tamer Mario Masson, sentenced to a 5 thousand euro fine: it is the decision of the correctional court of Beauvais, in France. He will not be able to raise animals or present them to the public for two years and will have to pay 120 thousand euros to the association Tonga Lands, which has been caring for tigers in a special refuge in the Loire department since the end of 2020. Another 127 thousand euros will then have to be paid by Masson to the associations in defense of animals who have filed a civil action, including One Voice and Stephane Lamart. The sentence is historic: “It is the first time that a circus tamer has been convicted of ill-treatment,” explained the president of One Voice Muriel Arnal.

The Orfei circus, staged in Turin

Meanwhile, the circus is on stage in Palermo M. Orfeiwhile in Turin it “touches” the circus of Maya Orfei, Madagascan Circus. Many controversies, as had happened in Lombardy, where the circus was in October. In Brescia, a boycott campaign had also started on social media and the local Enpa protested with a post on the Facebook page.

At the moment the circus in Italy can continue to do its job. There LIDA Turin section, asked the Municipality to carry out the checks required by Regulation no. 320, issued specifically to protect the welfare of all animals present in the city area. Which in point 8, provides: «the encampment of circus and similar structures is subject to compliance with the criteria identified by the CITES Scientific Commission referred to in article 4, second paragraph, of Law 150/1992 and subsequent amendments which dictate detailed rules aimed at to ensure the psycho-physical well-being of the various animal species, with particular attention to their custody, the spaces reserved for them, veterinary care, nutrition and safety».

Animals in circuses, is it violence regardless?

The question is whether minimum welfare conditions can be maintained for animals in circuses. Or if, whatever the training methods, animals in circuses are subjected to violence just for living and working in them. In other words, however much respect there is in safeguarding and caring for the animal, the fact that it is being deprived of its nature and its repertoire of behaviors is already violence. Regardless of the whippings or caresses they receive, they are still wild animals. They have not co-evolved with humans like cats and dogs, they were and remain wild.

The new Cirque du Soleil show

77% of Italians want a ban on animals in circuses

From the survey Wild animals in Eu Circuses (administered byEurogroup for Animals with Savanta ComRes) it seems that 77% of the Italian population and 69% of the European population are in favor of banning the use of animals in circuses. If there was a need, there are authoritative opinions on the fact that “wild and exotic animals are not suitable for a life in circuses”: more than 20 university professors from all over the world specialists in ethology, ecology and similar studies have signed the Statement on the well-being and ethological needs of wild and exotic animals in circuses precisely to affirm it.

Are circuses fun for children?

But what about the entertainment of the little ones at the circus? As many as 650 psychologists have signed up a statement expressing “reasoned concern compared to consequences on the pedagogical, educational, psychological level of children attending zoos, circuses and festivals in which animals are used». In short, more than fun, a bad teaching.

Circuses with animals in Italy

The LAV has estimated, through monitoring on the territory, that there are currently about 2100 animals held in just over 100 circuses, noting that many animals come from endangered species such as elephants, tigers and lions, hippos, rhinos, and others. NoThere is no public National Register that has actually registered them. They can be rented and traded, so controls and traceability are therefore particularly difficult, if not impossible. But it sure is There are currently no quantitative or species restrictions on the use of animals in circuses. Indeed, they exist public finances, and conspicuous, to circuses: according to the Circus Law of 1968 (Law n.337 of 1968) circus companies have a “social function” and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Entertainment finances them.

What does the law say about animals in circuses

Yes, there is a law on the crime of animal abuse, which also applies to the circus, and regulations relating to the treatment of “dangerous” animals, but there is no specific law on the use of animals in circuses. The integration of art. 9 of the Constitution, which today also provides for the protection of the “environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interest of future generations. State law regulates the methods and forms of animal protection”.

In July 2022, one was then approved enabling law “which requests the new government to issue a law within nine months setting the stages for “overcoming the use of animals in circuses and traveling shows””.

Nobody wants to abolish circuses

A different circus, without animals but equally spectacular, is possible. And many circus performers think so too: the repentant tamer André-Joseph Bouglione He even wrote a book about it Against animal exploitation (Ed. Tchou), to say that «All beings are sentient and therefore animals too have an interest in not suffering, in remaining alive and in living freely. It follows that the exploitation of animals must be abolished.’

How exciting a circus without animal exploitation can be is demonstrated by the experience of Cirque du Soleil (in March in Rome, in May in Milan) but also, for example, that of Roncalli Circus. Under the guidance of Bernhard Paulafter years of performing around Europe with trained horses, since 2016 has focused on the circus without animals. Or rather, the animals are there, but in the form of huge holography.

Elephants, tigers, lions: thanks to eleven holographic projectors and exaggerated cloud computing they parade (they throw themselves into the fire) among incredible flesh-and-blood acrobats and trapeze artists.

