Animals and children, games and activities to grow together

cdogs, cats and pets they are real protagonists in the growth of children, as demonstrated by 73% of the stories they tell at school. This is what emerges from a survey on the relationship between primary school pupils and their furry friends.

The survey was designed and conducted byNational Observatory on Educational Impact on a sample of 400 primary school teachers from all over Italy. The initiative is linked to the educational project At Petcare schoollaunched by the pet food brand Purina in 2014 with the aim of promoting responsible pet ownership among the little ones (on the site, there is also “the educational game dedicated to tomorrow’s pet lovers”).

Dogs and cats inhabit children’s thoughts

Four-legged friends therefore significantly populate the pupils’ narratives, claims 92% of those questioned. 93% find it very useful to explore the issue of animal care with a view to awareness and responsibility towards them.

Moving on to using the theme in the educational field73% of teachers claim that they already leverage the theme of animals to address cross-cutting topics with their pupils such as, among others, civic education, affectivity, the value of relationships, diversity, inclusion and sustainability.

The boy finds his dog again after eight months: the moving meeting

Having a dog or a cat is good for the little ones

The relationship with pets can in fact be very useful in providing children with the sense of responsibility. Touch the ball psychological development of the personality, the teaching of the rules in addition to the relationship benefits. Not only that: several studies have shown how a furry person at home can strengthen the immunitary defense of the little ones, while offering more opportunity for exercise in the fresh air.

An animal can become a very good life example to follow. For those who are learning to move in space, crawling or trying to get up, the presence of another “puppy” is a continuous stimulus: who follows, imitates, encourages, and moves in front of them.

Children and animals, games and activities for early childhood

From a very young age, children can then be involved in food preparation, grooming and vet visits. An animal at home also educates the little ones about diversity, teaching them to respect other living species that deserve attention and care.

The presence of an apartment cat or dog is also synonymous with affection because it can become a friend with whom share moments of sadness and tiredness, or the accomplice of some little secret. A dog or cat at home also brings great benefits on a motor level for the very young, enticing them to start walking to chase after their beloved friend.

The rules for coexistence. For children, animals, adults

But they are also an opportunity to explain to the little ones the importance of rules. Animals, their playmates, must be experienced as living beings, and must never become victims of teasing. For example, it is good to immediately teach not to pull the mustache or tail. But it is also in first person the adult to have to behave well: for example, avoiding scolding the dog in front of the child. Both so as not to frighten the child, and to instill in him an unfounded fear of animals. Both so as not to frighten the dog, who instead needs to understand from his master that the boy or girl is part of the family.

It is also good to educate the little ones a never run in front of the dog and not to make sudden gestures in an attempt to socialize with him: the first approaches must always be slow and gradual, accompanied by the use of the voice and offering them a hand.

Walks and training: how to involve older children

The older ones can also be involved in moments of physical exercise (at a fixed time, which it is their obligation to observe) and also in training. As Purina behaviorist Dr. Annie Valuska suggests, little kids can engage themselves in working on a trick, like high-fiving or rolling over. Or about getting the animal used to the carrier or the vacuum cleaner. They can play hide-and-seek or cup game together, where the animal has to find a tidbit hidden under one of the three overturned cups. The fact that they are kids to drive pets in these games creates an excellent development opportunity for everyone. Some tasks such as administering meals, brushing and cleaning objects can also be delegated to older children.

Encourage accountability

It is important to teach children the kind of encouragement that is actually good for the animal: less croquettes, that is, and more caresses or praise. Animals can also help children understand the importance of a quiet time after so much play: they can involve them in developing a routine that includes it. For cat families, an additional project for the children can be to create safe hiding places for cats.

Safety and hygiene

Detail not to be overlooked: attention to hygiene at home. It is good to disinfect the objects of the dog and the child often and wash the little hands after he has played with his pet.

It is also fundamental respect for space, of dog and child. The first must not be disturbed while eating, nor will the children be able to touch his bowls of water and food or move his favorite bed. The dog must respect the space dedicated to playing, sleeping and studying.

Finally, even if the four-legged friend is very responsible towards the children, it is better never leave him alone with them: adults must always be present and supervise the behavior of both.

