Animal rights activists remind Weyts of extinction policy in Bruges dolphinarium

Animal rights activists remind Weyts of extinction policy in Bruges dolphinarium

The dolphinarium in Bruges is the only residence in Belgium where dolphins still live in captivity. In 2019, Minister Weyts made it clear that he was in favor of an extinction policy for dolphinariums, so that keeping these mammals in captivity is prohibited.

“Dolphins free, dolphinariums closed”

Bite Back activists reminded him of that intention on Wednesday. They carried a large banner and protest signs with the inscriptions “Dolphins free, dolphinaria closed” and “Weyts keep your word!”.

In the dolphinarium in Bruges, eight dolphins are swimming today in a basin of 777 square meters. In the wild, pods of dolphins have territories ranging from 177 to 320 square kilometers. Every week the dolphins put on shows for an audience. “If we make a fair cost-benefit analysis of the current situation, we have to admit that the well-being of the dolphins comes after economic gain and human entertainment. Dolphins are very intelligent animals and the fact that they are well cared for in the dolphinarium does not alter the fact that such an animal suffers enormously in a cramped basin,” says Bite Back.

In Belgium circus shows with wild animals have been banned since 2013, so the activists are now also quickly requesting a ban on the dolphin shows.
