ANIMAL PROTECTION | 91% of Spaniards see it as important that pigs have a decent life

91% of Spaniards surveyed consider it important or very important to protect the well-being of farm animals –pigs, cows, poultryl- to guarantee conditions of decent lifea figure identical to the European average.

This is revealed by the special Eurobarometer survey on European attitudes towards animal welfare.

Regarding the protection of the welfare of farm animals in Spain, 80% believe that this should be improved, while 87% see it as important to improve the welfare of animals in slaughterhousesfor example by increasing official controls, even with the use of video cameras.

A further 68% believe that EU rules and standards on animal welfare should also apply to imported food and 97% highlight the importance of ensuring that farmed animals have sufficient food and an adapted environment that meets their basic needs.

However, when asked if they would be willing to pay more for products from breeding systems that respect animal welfare, the Spaniards surveyed are divided between 48% who refuse to pay more and another 48% who would accept a surcharge of between 5% and more than 20%.

fur animals

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On the other hand, 60% of Spaniards consider that the breeding of fur animals should be strictly prohibited in the European Union, a figure slightly higher than the European average of 57%.

Faced with this data, another 30% believe that the farming of fur animals should be maintained, although under welfare conditions for these animals throughout the EU.
