Animal cruelty again in Tielt’s slaughterhouse?

Animal cruelty again in Tielt’s slaughterhouse?

About a hundred activists from Animal Rights, GAIA, Bite Back and Rose’s Law: Animal Bill Of Rights Belgium took up mail at the gates of the slaughterhouse at 10 am on Saturday morning. “It is a shame that this slaughterhouse is still open after everything that has happened here,” said campaign coordinator Els Van Campenhout. “The horror continues. We demand an immediate closure based on the new abuse and violations of the environmental permit.” Those in attendance laid white roses for all the animals that have died there since 2017.

New evidence of animal cruelty

Animal Rights will file a new complaint against Debra Meat. According to the organization, there is new evidence of recent animal cruelty. Pigs were beaten and a lame animal that did not get out of the truck on its own was first sprayed with a water hose before it was incorrectly stunned with the stunning device. According to Animal Rights, the inspection reports state that slaughter speed takes precedence.

Already convicted

At the end of 2019, the slaughterhouse was already sentenced to a fine for animal cruelty. The violations were then revealed by undercover footage from Animal Rights. At the beginning of this year, Flemish Minister for the Environment Zuhal Demir (N-VA) also refused an environmental permit on appeal for an expansion from 1.5 million to 2.4 million slaughtered pigs per year.
