Anglophile from Drenthe enjoys coronation Charles: ‘Surrealistic, phenomenal and history from top to bottom’

Ken Besuijen enjoyed the atmosphere. He made all sorts of new friends on the spot. “Scots, Germans, French, English, I had such a nice contact with everyone. And that was also handy, because they occupied my spot when I had to go to the toilet. It was nice to join each other making, at one point there were even snacks going around.”

Today the Drent enjoys his time in London before flying home tonight. “I took a bicycle tour today to show people around. A lot is being cleaned up in the city now, but everything has been maintained around Buckingham Palace, because there is another coronation concert there tonight, a coronation concert. Before I get on the plane step, I’m going to a Thanksgiving celebration around the coronation in St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is open to everyone.”

After today, the great afterglow can begin for Besuijen. He is very happy with the beautiful souvenirs he managed to score: “Not the standard mementos such as a mug. I am especially happy with beautiful cufflinks with the royal initials CR, which stand for Charles Rex” (Rex is Latin for king, ed. ).

Before his departure to London, RTV Drenthe made the report below with Ken Besuijen.
