Anglican Church blesses same-sex couple for first time | Abroad

For the first time in history, the Anglican Church has blessed a same-sex couple during a service, the British news agency ‘PA’ reported on Sunday.

Catherine Bond and Jane Pearce were among the first couples to receive the blessing for their “love and friendship” and “commitment to each other” during a service in eastern Felixstowe on Sunday.

The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church had given the green light for the blessing earlier this week. In doing so, the bishops confirmed an earlier decision by the general synod in February to bless and pray for same-sex couples.

This decision by the synod, a kind of parliament of the Church of England, was preceded by a long debate. Critics felt that the decision did not go far enough and demanded that these couples should also be allowed to marry in church. Others felt that allowing the blessings was too far-reaching.
