Angelo Van Loo, brother of ex-pro football player Anthony, gets a new heart: “I fought for a long time” | VTM News

“I know I needed a heart transplant,” Angelo told ‘VTM Nieuws’. “I fought and suffered for a long time. Hopefully I’ve won now,” he continues. The corona period was not an easy time for Angelo. He had to quarantine and missed social contacts. “My parents had to sell food on the street. I didn’t see anyone at my apartment,” it sounds.

The trouble started when he was eighteen. Angelo was a promising footballer, but during a match he suddenly became bad. He was told he had a genetic heart condition, just like his brother Anthony. The latter has had a career as a defender at KV Kortrijk. Four years ago, he also collapsed during a football match. Anthony got a defibrillator. Fortunately, his health is now stable.

Angelo will probably be allowed to leave the hospital within two weeks. One thing is definitely on his agenda: to play soccer with his brother Anthony again. “Just being able to stand on the football field is already something big.”
