Angelina Jolie wants to destroy Brad Pitt

By Ina Michaelis-Ugwonno

The dispute between Brad Pitt (58) and Angelina Jolie (47) over the “Château Miraval” winery in southern France is entering the next round. And it’s getting dirtier!

After Pitt accused his ex-wife in court in June of selling her share of the 2021 winery to the Russian oligarch Yuri Shefler (54) without his consent and with “poisonous intentions”, Angelina is now shooting back – with a counterclaim that should destroy him.

As “Page Sixreported, Angelina Jolie’s company Nouvel is now suing Brad Pitt for a whopping $250 million!

In the lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Pitt’s ex alleges that he and his business partners launched a shady campaign to take control of the French winery.

The reason, Jolie believes, is “retribution for the divorce and custody battles.” Pitt wanted to make sure Jolie “never saw a dime” of the big winery profits.

The lawsuit also alleges that Pitt also intended to use Jolie’s large financial interest in the winery to force Jolie to sign a “non-disclosure agreement.” So that she does not unpack about the reasons for the divorce.

Tens of millions of dollars are said to have flowed into the winery, of which Jolie and Pitt each owned 50 percent shares through a complicated network of holding companies and in which, according to court documents, “a large part of Jolie’s personal fortune” was invested.

After the divorce, Brad Pitt “proclaimed himself the rightful owner of Chateau Miraval,” the lawsuit says. He is said to have simply continued to run the winery without including his ex Angelina in his decisions.

Accordingly, he is even said to have “wasted tens of millions of Château Miraval’s money on vanity projects that have little or no commercial justification”. Including a swimming pool and a castle staircase, which had to be rebuilt several times because Pitt was “unsatisfied” with the first attempts.

It's all about this former love nest of the two: the Château Miraval winery in Provence.  Pitt has even received several awards for his wines

It’s all about this former love nest of the two: the Château Miraval winery in Provence. Pitt has even received several awards for his wines Photo: picture alliance / abaca

“These funds were spent over Jolie’s appeal,” it said. And now Angelina wants to see millions!

The papers also explain that Jolie offered to buy her stake from her ex – albeit without considering a non-disclosure clause. Pitt “ignored” this offer and only then sold Jolie to oligarch Yuri Shefler.
