Angelina Jolie wanted Brad Pitt arrested

Angelina Jolie accuses her ex-husband Brad Pitt of “physical and verbal” assault. The incident is believed to have happened on the couple’s private plane in 2016. The FBI then investigated, but brought no charges. Jolie doesn’t understand why. She is now demanding access to the documents.

“You’re ruining this family,” Brad Pitt reportedly yelled during a trip on a private plane, Jolie claims. The actor was drunk and grabbed his then-wife by the shoulders and shook him. The couple’s six children are also said to have been on the plane.

Divorce after alleged incident

According to Jolie, another attack was said to have taken place later. One of the children stood on the mother’s side, whereupon Pitt ran towards the child. Jolie is said to have stopped her ex-husband and sustained injuries in the process.

The 47-year-old then described what happened to an FBI agent. He is said to have met with a prosecutor, but the investigation ended here. It was not further investigated. Jolie divorced six days after the alleged incident. Brad Pitt’s lawyers deny the allegations.

Child abuse investigation

After the assault on the private plane, Pitt is said to have been investigated for child abuse. However, he was eventually acquitted by the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services. “He didn’t hit his kid,” the actor’s team announced.
