Angela screams at joke about Khalid & Sophie: ‘On a ventilator!’

Angela de Jong has quite a bit of schadenfreude about Khalid Kasem and Sophie Hilbrand, who headed into the elections with left-progressive tables. “On a ventilator!”


It was a defining media moment in the run-up to the elections won by the PVV: the broadcast of Khalid & Sophie in which a concerned resident of an asylum seeker center was ridiculed. “Is this real?” the voice sounded at the table. Caroline van der Plas created a spectacle by reprimanding the talk show duo.

Fever patient

According to critics such as Angela de Jong and René van der Gijp, this is simply a typical example of the gap between the canal belt and the rest of the country. It also did not go down well, for example with Rutger Castricum, that Khalid & Sophie decided to completely conceal the news on the evening of the second attack on Thierry Baudet.

And Khalid & Sophie sidekick Raoul Heertje? He already received an ear wash from Angela earlier this week. “A delirious fever patient,” she called him. “Good Lord. And then they didn’t understand at the table that a significant part of the Netherlands is so fed up with the established order that it is now prepared to vote for Geert Wilders.”


Now that the PVV has become the largest party in the Netherlands, the left-progressive anger of Khalid & Sophie causes gloating among the right-conservative men of Today Inside. “I have very different news: Khalid and Sophie have been admitted with breathing problems,” shouts Johan Derksen in last night’s broadcast.

Wilfred Genee: “Yes. Haha. They are on cardiac monitoring!”

Now that Wilders comes to power, the entire NPO will be abolished anyway, Johan screams. “They are all applying for jobs at John de Mol!”

Angela laughs along

Angela has a good laugh about it. “’Khalid & Sophie were admitted with breathing problems,’ jokes Johan Derksen. Fortunately, no shock is that big without there being something to laugh about at VI,” she writes A.D.

Khalid & Sophie have shot themselves in the fingers, Angela believes. “If you shout loud enough that you don’t want it, you will win it automatically,” René van der Gijp reasoned. So when they keep insisting on Khalid & Sophie and all those other programs that you shouldn’t vote for Geert Wilders, then you know. The rest is history.”


The party atmosphere on Today Inside is in stark contrast to the minor mood in other programs on TV. “It became painfully clear that there is something wrong with the reflection on TV, and not just on the NPO, when I zapped to Beau,” says Angela.

No one raised their hand when a PVV voter was sought. No surprise, says the AD opinion diva.
