Angela intensifies attacks on Khalid & Sophie: ‘Quick after M!’

Angela de Jong intensifies the attacks on Khalid & Sophie. The big wait is for the ground offensive: when will the AD diva storm into the studio live? “They have to chase after M very quickly!”


It is very clear that Khalid & Sophie have chosen to take a much more left-progressive course in the run-up to the elections. To be much more BNNVARA. But at the same time they are currently the early talk show of NPO 1 and if you don’t alternate with another program, you have to be there for everyone, right?

Muslim table

Angela de Jong thinks so. She is really done with Khalid Kasem and Sophie Hilbrand. One destructive column after another rolls out of her pen and last night’s broadcast also goes down the wrong way with her. The talk show had four young Muslims sitting at a table to talk about the PVV’s election win.

It doesn’t sit well with them that Geert Wilders has grown so big. They are now looked at differently on public transport, they indicate. But they also had hope. “Because with this result, Wilders was ‘denormalized’ and 75 percent of the population (non-PVV voters) now had ‘a common enemy’,” Angela summarizes in her AD column.

‘I was shocked’

Horrible language, Angela thinks. “I was quite shocked by that. But let me not start about Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh.”

If Ongehoord Nederland talked about the Denk supporters in such an ‘inflammatory and demonizing way’, the public system would have been too small, the opinion diva writes. “What concerns me is the appalling one-sidedness of Khalid & Sophie. That bothers me. Do journalists or activists work there?”

Broader talk show

Angela means that question rhetorically. She thinks that Khalid and Sophie are there far too much for their own supporters. And a broader talk show is needed at 7 p.m. on NPO 1, she says. “Not only for the unworldly residents of the canal belt who are in the financial position to vote Groenlinks-PvdA.”

PVV voters will not get a normal platform in the program, according to Angela. “One consolation: not only the content of Khalid & Sophie, but also the viewing figures are quickly dropping to the level of M. We know how that turned out.”

AD column

Angela’s AD column:
