Angela Groothuizen back with ex: “It’s going very well”

Angela was thirty years together with Rob Mooij, the man with whom she also has two daughters. After being apart for a while, they are now back together.

Angela Groothuizen back with ex

That’s what Angela told the team of Show newswhich she ran into at the premiere of Raymonda of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet, where she was together with Rob. “My partner is doing very well. It’s the first time we’re on an outing again,” Angela said.

Three lovers

In Female Angela told that she had nice contact with three men, whom she found on Tinder: “I didn’t immediately need a new love, but I did need the company of men to do fun things with. So I swiped right on Tinder a few times and started dating.”

Friends with benefits

Friends with benefitssay,” she explained. “There are currently three. I recommend it to everyone. It has made my life a lot more fun.”


Very candid of Angela, but if Show news citing this, she still calls the men in question ‘friends’. She explains: “When things went really bad, I looked for new friends and found them. It was more about being able to really get to know new people, even if you have a famous headline. And I am very happy about that.”

Open relationship

Lovers or friends? Partner Rob will not lose sleep over it. The two had an open relationship before their breakup. Angela never made a secret of that.


In Volkskrant Magazine she told in 2019 that Rob had another one next to her at the time.. “I’m fine with that, because I have leftovers,” she explained. “I have so much happiness and love and everything I want, I have enough. Do you understand? And I’m not going to get in his way, my dearest, in that one life he has. With nothing.”

Angela Groothuizen is dating her ex:

Source: Show news

Apr 4, 2022
