Angela finds Waylon ‘weak ass’, Yvonne calls him ‘disgusting’

Angela de Jong and Yvonne Coldeweijer, the most feared women in show business, attack Waylon. His prankster crisis only causes them more annoyance. “Slap bag!”

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Waylon has once again brought his private problems to the attention of the media. Yesterday, the singer told Raven van Dorst in an extensive interview what the real reason is that he cheated on Bibi Breijman. He suffered from erection problems and wanted to test whether his member would still come up from another.


Unbelievable, Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks it is. She has a friendly past with Bibi; the two even made a program together. “This is so manipulative and embarrassing for Bibi for telling this on TV,” she wrote on her juice channel.

She continues: “You can’t say that you stopped being turned on by your own wife and that you cheated with other chicks that you thought were horny. Because that’s what you’re saying. He kicks his own wife down to win souls. Disgusting. We must all think he’s really pathetic. This is truly a narcissist at heart.”

Sigh and support

Angela de Jong understands nothing of artists like Waylon. “They sigh and support that Yvonne Coldeweijer and her juice colleagues throw them in front of the bus with unsolicited revelations about cheating, new friends or loose hands, but meanwhile. If only they would like to go the extra mile themselves,” she writes in the AD.

According to Angela, erection problems are ‘just another equivalent of: my wife doesn’t understand me’. “You’re a weak ass to me anyway. (…) There is a friend at home who is once again seeing her dirty laundry widely reported in the media. Not to mention the pitying looks on the street.”

lame bullshit

It is really unnecessary that Waylon throws all this on the street, Angela thinks. She points out that his children will see all this later on.

Angela regrets that it is no longer about her highlight of the broadcast, namely an intimate conversation with the other guest Frédérique Spigt. “That has now been completely eclipsed by Waylon’s slack talk.”


Waylon on his erection problems:
