Angela de Jong will not buy new album Gordon: ‘Hahaha’

Angela de Jong is not going to buy Gordon’s new album – the singer is making a musical comeback. In fact, she finds the very idea laughable. “Hahaha. No.”

© SBS 6

There are few people Gordon hates as much as Angela de Jong. The two once sat almost opposite each other in De Wereld Draait Door to fight out an argument, but he did not dare to do that at the very, very last moment. And with that he has deprived the Dutch population of a legendary TV fragment.

Fuzz about nothing

Angela was there on her own at the time, but one thing has never changed: her difficult relationship with Gordon. The AD media editorial team, of which Angela is a part, decided some time ago to pay as little attention as possible to the entertainer and in any case no longer grant him a separate article.

Now that Gordon has announced his comeback on social media and as a singer, that has happened. And Angela doesn’t agree with that. “I think it’s a lot fuzz about nothing. That man stops singing, he starts singing again. That man quits Instagram, he’ll come back. True. It’s not worth more,” she fumes AD Media podcast.

Want to buy an album?

Colleague Manuel Venderbos decides to ask Angela a teasing question. “You’re not going to buy his album?”

Angela then: “Hahaha. No.”

Then the AD opinion dragon decides not to say another word about Gordon. In her opinion, the entire comeback deserves to be completely ignored.

Angry at Yvonne

These days, Gordon is not only very angry with Angela, but also with Yvonne Coldeweijer. She states that Gerard Joling has definitively put an end to a renewed collaboration with Gordon because of his extremely bizarre interview with Beau van Erven Dorens. There, Gordon said some really nasty things about his sympathetic ex-boyfriend.

According to Gordon, Yvonne’s statements are ‘total bullshit’. And what does Yvonne think about that? “Gordon says more.”
