Angela de Jong understands Akwasi well: ‘Can talk about hate’

Angela de Jong understands very well what Akwasi goes through when he is confronted with hatred and threats. “Every woman with her head above the parapet can talk about it.”


There is a lot of consternation about Akwasi’s participation in the program De Slimste Mens. He irritates many people and therefore often receives negative reactions on social media, but unfortunately there is also a lot of racist garbage. For that reason, KRO-NCRV has even decided to withdraw to withdraw completely from X (formerly Twitter).

Head above ground level

Angela de Jong thinks it is good that such a broadcaster draws a line after this kind of ‘enormous loads of racist rubbish’, she writes in her AD column. “Fine, it’s about time that more people and organizations ignore that backwards platform, I thought. And I kept going.”

But actually this is not normal at all, says Angela. As a woman with an opinion, she also suffers from this. “Hate, threats – every minority, every woman who sticks her head above the parapet can talk about it.”

Keep going

How does Angela deal with that? Does she have any tips for Akwasi? “I believe very much in resilience, in continuing stubbornly, just not reading certain reactions, and standing above it all. But also in openness, vulnerability and setting boundaries.”

That is why KRO-NCRV’s campaign deserves ‘just a little more attention than just reading it quickly, shrugging shoulders and moving on’, says Angela. “Although I have no illusions that the latter will actually change anything.”

Celebrities sympathize

Many celebrities sympathize with Akwasi. “Fuck stupid right. Love to you ❤️,” says comedian Soundos El Ahmadi.

Anna Nooshin: “Be glad you don’t have their pathetic lives. You got this king I think you laugh the loudest and also with compassion. Drive them crazy with that. ❤️”

And Janny van der Heijden: “As Martin Luther King said: ‘Darkness cannot dispel darkness, only light is capable of doing so. Hate cannot drive out hatred, only love can do that.’ ❤️”


Akwasi about the racism he faces:
