Angela de Jong turns against the Meilandjes: ‘I feel sorry’

Angela de Jong has responded to Erica Meiland’s call to take a look at Chateau Bijstand before criticizing, but she is not convinced. “It’s embarrassing.”

© SBS 6, NPO

The Meilandjes can pack up, because AD top diva Angela de Jong seems to be slowly turning against them. She was already critical of their new poverty show Chateau Bijstand and she does not adjust her opinion after the first episode. Her latest TV column today does not miss the new ratings hit on SBS 6.


Chateau Welfare is under fire, because many people in 2022 find it inappropriate to make entertainment out of a life on welfare. “I feel sorry for the family,” Angela writes today in her dreaded AD column

Angela blames the family for not realizing in their own prosperous bubble that the world has changed quite a bit since the Froger family did the same trick.

Black Pete

The Frogers used to make a similar poverty show, but fourteen years later, the zeitgeist has changed considerably. It also plays a role that Natasja Froger, with her chronically furrowed brow, is slightly more believable in these kinds of programs than the hysterically screaming Meilandjes.

“Chateau Bijstand strongly reminded me of Zwarte Piet. Also something that we thought was quite normal ten years ago and which now feels weird and uncomfortable,” said Angela.

‘That’s how people lived’

According to Angela, the way in which the Meilandjes became acquainted with their terraced house is significant. “Yes, that’s how people used to live,” Erica commented.

Without a picture, according to Angela, you would think it is a sod hut. “But it turned out to be a very common terraced house with at least four bedrooms.”

Angela is also annoyed that the Meilandjes get a discount everywhere because of their familiar face. People on welfare don’t have that with them either, she notes cynically.


According to Angela, the ‘most embarrassing moment’ was the advertising moment for, Talpa’s new auction platform. Martien supposedly bought a pan set of one euro there. The cancellation costs and shipping costs? These remained unspoken during this surreptitious advertising.

Angela: “Wouldn’t there have been a light anywhere during the recordings with the Meiland family and SBS that Chateau Bijstand was a bad plan?”
