Angela de Jong stuns Dutch celebrities with statements about the asylum crisis

Angela de Jong receives a lot of negative reactions on Twitter to a statement she made in Today Inside about the asylum crisis in our country. A few celebrities are also making themselves heard.

© SBS 6

AD opinediva Angela de Jong sat the day before yesterday for the first time this season at the talk show table of Today Inside. There it was about the asylum crisis in our country and the fuss about the ‘asylum hotelin Tubbergen. “That’s impossible? In a village with 2,500 people, add 350? That is of course not possible”, René van der Gijp remarked.

dark people

Colleague Johan Derksen thinks that the people in Ter Apel do not have to pay for the reception of asylum seekers on their own, but, René says: “They will get 350 more, won’t they? That’s quite a lot, isn’t it?”

Angela de Jong then makes her offended comment: “Yes, and they are also villages that are not used to black people at all.”

René: “Plus whatever those people said: they have absolutely nothing to do there. There is a supermarket there. A small grocer. (…) Those people say: ‘We want to take them in, but 30, 40 or 50. Not 350!’ There are 27 rooms in that hotel!”

asylum boat

Angela says a little later that it can also be a matter of getting used to for the people in Tubbergen. “In 1994, an asylum boat with 280 asylum seekers arrived in the village where I grew up. I think that village is just as big as Tubbergen (Ouderkerk aan den IJssel, ed.). Everyone there stood on their hind legs. It is also very often unknown.”

“The most striking thing to me was that the boat left a year and a half later and a petition was filed asking whether the boat could please stay, because the village had taken care of those people, the church was involved, they were taken into families, there was a very social event. I think a lot of it is unknown.”

fierce criticism

Angela’s statements about the resistance among the people in Tubbergen are now causing quite a stir. “Angela de Jong also understands the people from Tubbergen somewhere because they are not used to dark people there. You are not making it up”, tweet Maarten Hopman, editor of the talk show Humberto.

It provokes more than a thousand likes and a hundred angry reactions, including from celebrities. “And this isn’t from De Speld? I’m perplexed,” says actress Miryanna van Reeden, for example. Maarten: “No, she really said it.” Miryanna: “WHAT?”

Singer Tim Knol is also stunned: “Heh what? My God.”

cheese cups

One Marit is disgusted by Angela. “Why that woman continues to get a stage to comment on everything is beyond me. This again shows a lack of intelligence. Apart from that: for the time being it mainly concerns the reception of Ukrainians, I read. They are just as white as the cheese cups in Tubbergen ?‍♀️.”

And Jeanet: “Angela de Jong plays her part with verve, you have to admit her. Just look for the edge everywhere and go over it with some regularity. Can’t see and hear it badly, I must say. And then she grows into her role as well. The Lientje of the media.”


Angry reactions on Twitter:
