Angela de Jong reveals all details about confrontation with Humberto Tan

Angela de Jong and Humberto Tan were suddenly together at one talk show table last Friday, because of the failure of Beau van Erven Dorens. What was it like before and after the broadcast?


Beau’s season finale had an awkward confrontation in store on Friday evening, namely that between Angela de Jong and Humberto Tan. Normally Humberto would never have invited her – she wrote off his talk show – but now he had to. He was only the substitute for the corona-infected Beau van Erven Dorens.

‘So, Mrs. De Jong’

Angela was already scheduled and apparently Humberto didn’t want to be known by canceling her, as the substitute on duty. During the broadcast, things became tense for a while when Angela started talking about his affair with Dionne Stax, but it didn’t come to a real collision.

Are Angela and Humberto at each other’s hair behind the scenes? No, not even. “He had to laugh when he saw me. He said: ‘So Mrs. De Jong, now we’re going to talk to each other instead of about each other.’ I thought that was a tough response and I think it was also fine at the table,” she says in the AD Media podcast

little fuss

Angela had actually expected some more fuss about her confrontation with Humberto prior to the broadcast. “Still, there wasn’t much fuss about it. I had braced myself for all kinds of silly messages from people, but it was not that bad. I didn’t have that much trouble with it myself.”

What did she think of it herself? “They had already called at the beginning of the week if I wanted to sit there because there was a topic with Lil Kleine and Glennis Grace. On Thursday evening I heard that Beau had corona and that Humberto was going to do it, so I thought for a moment: will they cancel or not? But they didn’t. And I didn’t feel the need to call myself either.”


Angela understands that Humberto is not a fan of hers. “Yes, at the time of his affair I wrote some columns about it and that it was one of the reasons his Late Night went defunct. Because his image of a family man no longer matched reality.”

She also mentioned that affair with Dionne Stax in the broadcast. “Yes, but I also said that to the editors beforehand, because of course it would be about the rise of the juice channels. Then I don’t want to put anyone in front of the block or make it difficult.”


Angela thinks there was a substantive reason to bring up his affair. “If people are asked: ‘How come there is a market, what has Boulevard left behind in recent years and where does it come from that people have the idea that they keep their own RTL stars out of the wind?’, then? Humberto Tan’s affair with Dionne Stax is one of the reasons why.”

She continues: “And I do want to feel free to mention it at the table, because otherwise I would find it hypocritical of myself.”


What was it like after the broadcast? “Afterwards I had a drink and went home. I drank a white wine and then I went home in a taxi through the storm.”

Did she have that drink with Humberto? “No, he was spinning pictures for the editors. I had a drink with Tim de Wit.”
