Angela de Jong refuses to write a column about Tim den Besten

Angela de Jong has deliberately chosen not to write a column about Tim den Besten’s controversial Sinterklaas song. “It’s such a small group of rioters,” she says.


At the beginning of the week, Tim den Besten came under enormous fire because he sang the line ‘Sinterklaasje, come in with your servant’ during the Canal Parade. The presenter was called a racist and wild animal by angry people and as a result he was in tears for minutes during a live broadcast of NPO Radio 1.

Angela refuses

A pretty smooth riot, but Angela deliberately left it alone. “I thought about that at the beginning of the week: it is such a small group of rioters on Twitter that screams so loud, I do not give them the honor of worrying about it,” said the AD opinion diva. the talk show table of Op1.

Angela let it pass. “No, I haven’t written a column about it. My mother is always a very good indicator of what is going on among AD readers and she was not involved at all.”

candle riot

Angela has written herself drowsy about the candle riot around Today Inside. What about the riot now? “I think the candle riot has died down quite a bit, to make a very lame pun. They start again next week and I suspect that those viewing figures are immediately high again. SBS 6 could use that too.”

The Voice riot is not over yet, according to Angela. “I’m curious if there will be some news in that whole Voice case soon. For the time being, that program is not coming back, at least not in the Netherlands.”


What is Angela especially looking forward to now that the new TV season is just around the corner? “As a television viewer, I am really looking forward to Oogappels. I saw commercials that it will start again on September 7th. I’m in front of the tube.”

All in all, Angela is back from vacation. “Let them do their best, I guess.”


Angela was in Op1 to talk about the Au Pairs program:
