Angela de Jong is not going to say anything about the war between Israel and Hamas

Angela de Jong does not intend to speak out on television about the war between Israel and Hamas. “I certainly have an opinion about it, but what do I know about it?”


There are a lot of celebrities who are at the forefront with their opinions on the war between Israel and Hamas, but Angela de Jong keeps aloof. The opinion diva does not want to get involved and finds it difficult when she is confronted with the subject at a talk show table. She then ostentatiously avoids it, she says in the AD Media podcast.

Shut up

Angela doesn’t want to be asked about it on television. “I was sitting at Renze’s table last Sunday and well, a lot of changes have to be made these days, because there can only be four people at the table. But I was still sitting at the table during the conversation with two people who were involved in their own way.”

Who was there then? “I believe the Red Cross and another organization. They of course stood up very much for the people in Gaza. The only thing I said to myself the whole time at the table was: shut up, shut up, don’t interfere, shut up, shut up, shut up.”

Avoid eye contact

Angela’s fear was that Renze Klamer would turn to her. “I also avoided eye contact with Renze, because I thought: it will be your turn again soon. And I’m not going to say anything about it in public. I do have an opinion about it. But what do I know about it? I mean, I know some things and the more you know, the less you actually know.”

Angela’s tactic worked. “Yes, it worked. But I also notice my own children when they come home… They are of course teenagers. They have friends from all walks of life and all kinds of families with different religious backgrounds. They come home with stories that sometimes really bring tears to my eyes.”

In balance

Actor Nasrdin Dchar says he struggles with what to tell his children. “I was watching the Youth News with my children and an unfair picture was painted of what is now happening in Gaza,” he writes. Instagram. “I felt anger and injustice.”

How does Angela deal with that? She also struggles with it. “One child also came up with something he had heard from a teacher and I thought: where do I start to bring it into balance? Because I don’t know those subtleties either.”
