Angela de Jong has to puke from Danny de Munk: ‘Where is the tub?’

Angela de Jong goes in with the wrecking ball. She has looked at the emotional interview of Danny de Munk in RTL Boulevard and does not feel any pity. “Where’s the tub?”


Danny de Munk cannot count on any sympathy from media authority Angela de Jong with his TV tears. The dreaded columnist of the AD saw it in her new column off the ankles. “Take responsibility for your cheating and don’t bother us with your crocodile tears,” reads the headline of her piece.

Bowl for Angela

The self-pity of the cheating celebrities is unbearable, Angela thinks. “I’m a bit done with all those supposedly happily married celebrities who can’t keep their dicks in their pants and then start crying on TV in an interview how bad it all is. For them, that is.”

Danny is also guilty of this, she says. She found the interview with him to be vomiting. “I had to grab a bowl afterwards.”

Crocodile Tears

Angela can’t bear to see Danny’s ‘yelping’. “Be a dude, take responsibility for your cheating, but don’t bother us with your crocodile tears.”

Those tears are only there to save his career, she thinks. “Remember that behind such an interview there is always a greater importance.”

serious accusation

The experts from RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws tended to believe him after Danny’s TV tears. Much too soon, Angela thinks. The charge against him, namely of rape, is a “serious accusation,” she says.

Angela doesn’t understand why Danny talked about his slippers in such detail. He also confessed those slippers to his fierce son, he said crying. “Well, that’s where my sympathy ends. He should have thought of that before dropping his pants.”

AD column

Angela’s column:

New picture

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker about Angela’s new column photo:
