Angela de Jong gives Duncan Laurence a second chance

Angela de Jong, the infamous AD star and regular guest in Today Inside, lends a helping hand to Duncan Laurence. She is willing to give him a second chance. “I’ll give him that.”

© SBS 6, AvroTros

Duncan Laurence’s image is pretty much shattered. Not only because he has completely failed as a mentor to Eurovision entry Mia & Dion, but also because of his difficult dealings with the media. At one point he only wanted to speak to RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws in English: unbelievable affectation.

Tamping Duncan

Angela de Jong, one of the most influential people in the Dutch media, is now willing to give Duncan a second chance. From this weekend he can be seen in the television hit Best Singers and, according to her right-hand man Marcus den Blanken, that promises a lot of good. “I’m really looking forward to that,” says Angela’s assistant.

It seems that Best Singers will mean a U-turn for Duncan, Marcus said in the AD Media podcast. “It is now completely stretched out on the ground. People run over it and occasionally stomp a bit.”

Angela recognizes that image: “If they think they have forgotten a piece, they will jump a few more times.”

Make a big impression

Marcus trusts that Duncan will be able to fight his way back into the hearts of the people with his talent. “I think he’s just going to make a big impression because he can sing ridiculously well.”

He continues: “I hear his new music and there are all kinds of effects overlaid on his voice. Then I think: I just want to hear a song, I don’t want to listen to some sound machine. But I already saw some previews and then he sings that song by Douwe Bob. It hit me then and that is a teaser of one and a half seconds.”

Second chance

The time is right for a second chance, Angela adds. “Let’s hope it does for Duncan what it should do for his image. I’ll give him that. He has been in the corner long enough where the blows fall.”

Marcus: “Yes, and it will be finished at some point. He did not do so well at the Eurovision Song Contest. Yeah, he’s just not that easy…”

Angela: “Let me also hope that it has put both feet back on the ground. Maybe he needed that too.”
