Angela de Jong gets the shivers from Vladimir Putin: ‘His eyes…’

Angela de Jong gets the shivers from Vladimir Putin, the Russian president who started a war in Europe today. She says she continuously sees his bloodthirsty eyes before her.


Angela de Jong watches television every day for her work, but today it doesn’t make her happy at all. She finds the images that NOS reporter Kees van Dam shows on NPO 1 horrifying. “Images of bombing. Of devastation. From devastated citizens”, she sums up in her famous column in the AD

air-raid shelters

Angela can hardly comprehend what kind of world we have woken up in today. “Air-raid shelters? That’s something from the history books, isn’t it? Something from a long time ago, something from a very distant foreign country, far outside Europe in any case.”

She is also concerned for the safety of our TV reporters in Ukraine. For example, during his report Kees had to stop because he heard ‘a bang’ in the distance. “And was that a fighter plane that flew over? I pressed the cushion of the sofa even more firmly against me.”

Bloodthirsty eyes

Meanwhile, Angela continuously sees Vladimir Putin’s eyes before her. “Eyes that made me shiver even more than the bloodthirsty war language he used to Ukraine in his most recent TV speech. Eyes that told me that everything that I thought was impossible in 2022 can just become reality.”

In the coming week we will hear little from Angela, because she puts her poison pen in the drawer. Angela de Jong will not watch TV for a while next week, the AD reports.


Tonight’s entire television evening will be devoted to the war in Europe. For example, the Achtuurjournaal lasts more than an hour, which means that Kamp van Koningsbrugge will be cancelled.

There were also many extra broadcasts on television this morning and this afternoon. It discussed, among other things, whether a Third World War is approaching us. See the fragment below.

