Angela de Jong destroys Wendy, Winston and Peter Gillis: ‘Pum up!’

Angela de Jong recharged herself nicely in the Italian sun. She has only just returned from vacation when she throws her wrecking ball back into SBS 6. “It makes you puke!”

© SBS 6, NPO

It has probably not escaped anyone’s attention that SBS 6 is in extremely difficult weather. Not only because of lousy viewing figures, but also because of the umpteenth star that has become discredited: Peter Gillis. Every time Angela de Jong thinks ‘that they can’t sink any deeper at Talpa/SBS’, something happens that makes her lose her style, she writes in the AD.

Wendy and Winston

Angela treats the reader to a old fashioned ruthless column. She throws the wrecking ball into SBS 6 and aims it first at Winston Gerschtanowitz and his ‘another infantile quiz’ in which he is ‘slipping and sliding’. “As if someone is still falling for his ideal son-in-law act,” she says, pointing to the riot about his ‘green scam’.

And then Wendy van Dijk. She gets spanked because of her cheap rip-off of Ik Hou Van Holland: Wie Kent Nederland. “She is cooing like she’s a fifteen-year-old teenage girl. After all, you have to do something if your heyday as a presenter and viewing figures cannon are at least eight years behind you.”

“To puke!”

However, Angela is most surprised by the fact that SBS 6 continues with Peter Gillis, despite the fact that the Public Prosecution Service suspects him, among other things, of having bitten his girlfriend Nicol Kremers in her nose and her back. According to the Public Prosecution Service, he mistreated her so much that they even started a case without her declaration.

If Angela was the boss of SBS 6 she would think this was the last straw after all the other scandals surrounding Peter, but Talpa just calls this a ‘private matter’. “That a few other things happen when the cameras are gone, well, who cares. Viewing figures above conscience and morality. It’s to puke.”

Talpa women

It is time for Talpa boss John de Mol to be hit hard again by the Talpa women who stood up to him during the riot surrounding The Voice of Holland. They were outraged at the way he downplayed transgressive behavior against women.

Now there is another good reason to be very angry, Angela believes, namely to downplay violence against women. It’s “high time” they got back into action, she says. “Or better yet: take the helm.”

Moral Compass

Columnist Jan Dijkgraaf is also completely done with John de Mol. “After your performance with Tim Hofman on that issue of The Voice, with that story about those ‘counters’ where victims could report and that ‘I habe es nicht gewusst’ story, I was just sure that your moral compass had now become could have been tuned a little better.”

Not so, he concludes in his Letter from Jan. “Learned nothing from The Voice. Poen wins from decency.”
