Angela de Jong bashs Johnny de Mol: ‘Woonwagenkamp is jealous!’

Angela de Jong bashs Johnny de Mol for the shirt he wore this weekend in the first episode of his TV show De Kwis met Ballen. “They are jealous of it in many caravan camps!”


After the HLF8 debacle, Johnny de Mol is back on television with a fairly one-dimensional game show: De Kwis met Ballen. If candidates do not answer a quiz question correctly, they will be pushed into the water by a large yellow ball. Sounds very meaningless and it is. The premiere was moderately watched.

Thorough dislike

Angela de Jong has also seen it and is not impressed. The tiger shark of the AD thinks the new program is ‘infantile’. It’s very 1990s, she writes in her column. “In 2023, no one dares to come up with this. Maybe just a kindergarten channel. And so SBS.”

It’s so bad, Angela thinks. “If Johnny would not present this program, I would have dared to say that John de Mol made up De quis with balls especially to publicly punish a presenter with whom he still had a bone to pick. Someone he deeply dislikes.”

Trailer shirt

Apparently Johnny’s stylist still had a bone to pick with him, Angela will undoubtedly think. She thinks the Allsaints shirt worth 159 euros that the presenter was wearing is hideous and has a very cheap look.

Angela: “Until recently, that man had his own talk show. And now he is in a shirt where many a caravan camp enviously rattles off his perfunctory phrases like ‘I need to know from you now’ and ‘we’re going to lock the answers’.”

To say that the trailer park is jealous of Johnny’s hideous shirt is, of course, a bit stigmatizing. They are really not waiting for such a floral shirt. Well, unless some more copies have fallen off the truck then…

What does Harry say?

What does critic Harry Vermeegen say about Johnny’s new show? He is also not impressed, he says on his own opinion channel. “Deeper than this, lower than this, they cannot sink. Well, friends… It’s really unbelievable, unimaginable. So stupid, so stupid. And they send that dredging out again at Talpa. And I just can’t keep up!”

He continues: “I can’t follow how things go in such a meeting. That you come up with this and then not one person there says, or the John himself, ‘Well, no! Well no! No no no no! This is going way too far, friends! We’re not going to do this! We already have so many flops behind our name, this is off!’ No nobody. No one! And just broadcast!”

Huge loss

Harry finds it the strangest thing that Johnny commits himself to this. “What I can’t follow at all is that Johnny de Mol. He just had a huge downfall with HLF8 and he’s been under the radar for a while and he’s going to work on his comeback. And then this must be the great triumphant return! Oh, oh, oh…”

“Doesn’t he think to himself: I shouldn’t start this? Do I have to wait for a program that suits me? What a misery!”
