Andriy Voronin: “War is always a disaster, no matter where it is” – SWR – Regional

Andriy Voronin has had a bad week. The 42-year-old flew on one of the last possible flights from Moscow to Düsseldorf – a voluntary decision.

“It wasn’t like someone forced me to leave. When this all started, I made the decision with my family. I couldn’t continue to be in the country that’s at war with my country,” said Voronin, who 155 Bundesliga games for 1. FC Köln, Bayer Leverkusen, Hertha BSC and Fortuna Düsseldorf as well as 76 international matches for the Ukraine.

Voronin couldn’t say goodbye to the team anymore

Voronin could no longer say goodbye to the team. “I hardly slept a minute before that, so I couldn’t make it,” Voronin said. On the other hand, he was able to speak to coach Sandro Schwarz and the coaching team in person.

Schwarz wants to continue his job in Moscow because he feels emotionally connected to the team and especially to the young players. A decision Voronin can understand. “Definitely. Sandro is in a difficult situation. Sandro has a big heart. He’s the head coach, the team depends on him. I totally understand him,” said Voronin.

Dynamo fans celebrate Voronin after farewell

Voronin, who has been an assistant coach since 2020, had a strong connection to the Moscow fans – also because he was an active player for the capital club from 2010 to 2014. When he had already left the country, he was celebrated by the people in the stadium at the next game. “I’ve always had good contact with the fans, as a player and as an assistant coach. It was good to hear them chant,” said Voronin, who played 75 games for the 2000-2003 season 1.FSV Mainz 05 graduated

The fact that sports activities continue worldwide is not a problem for Voronin, he is rather happy about the many messages of good wishes to his home country that are being sent from around the world. “Unfortunately, we can’t do much at the moment. It’s very good that the whole world is taking to the streets,” said Voronin.

Voronin: “We all hope it will be over as soon as possible”

The situation still feels unreal to Voronin. “The fact that Russia is now throwing rockets: if someone had said that two weeks ago, I would have laughed at them.” The Ukrainian does not want to give up hope that the war will end soon and speaks to people around the world from the heart: “We all hope that it will be over as soon as possible. War is always a disaster, no matter where it is,” said Voronin.

Source: SWR
