Andreas Gabalier enjoys being single

Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier (archive image, April 2022)

The Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Matthew Balk

From BZ/dpa

According to his own statement, the Austrian folk musician Andreas Gabalier (“I sing a Liad für di”) is “happier and more content single”.

At the moment he is enjoying being single, the 37-year-old told the Munich “Abendzeitung” (Saturday edition). “It also has its advantages.” For example, he doesn’t have to explain himself to anyone if he’s on continuous duty for seven days. “Being alone means: less responsibility, less obligation, no guilty conscience,” said Gabalier.

After separating from his longtime girlfriend Silvia Schneider in 2019, Gabalier admitted that it was mainly his fault that they had “too little time together”. He was often exhausted after concerts and needed time for himself.

A certain longing for partnership is still there, said Gabalier now. “But I don’t think too much about what has to be and what’s to come,” emphasized Gabalier. He would also think it would be nice to start a family someday. But you don’t always have to have everything. One can also dream. It comes how it comes. At the moment I’m at peace with myself.”


Andreas Gabalier International Stars Austria Schlager
